Opinion Editorial

“Unsafe in Their Own Home. How Jews are Excluded from Any and Everywhere.” 

With an impulse to defend minorities arising after Black Lives Matter, many members of the Political left began advocating for movements they knew little to zero about. They preached hatred for a country they didn’t know existed until a few months prior, shared posters with statistics in aesthetic fonts, and donated to incredulous funding sites. It is the nature of the Left to stand up unapologetically for what they believe in. As virtuous as that is, preaching about a crusade one has done minimal research on is the sole cause for the spread of misinformation while also birthing a people who lazily learn through propaganda and confirmation bias. 

When giving a face to a bigot, in 2021, most people would often picture a redneck type middle aged male wearing an American flag and a MAGA hat. While this might be a verifiable depiction for anti-black/asian/immigrant/LGBT individuals, it hardly fits the image for an anti-Jew individual. There’s a uniqueness in the hatred for Jews, a strangely united front of two opposite political ends. Anti-Semitism, especially recently, is fueled by the obsessesive activism. 

The Political left is guilty of treating the Jewish State with a double standard they wouldn’t ever impose on any other complicated or corrupt country. And in addition to that, generalize all Jews, conflating them with Israeli politicians. Often placing the blame for a century-long political conflict on random Jews living in the U.S. as well as Europe. This ignorance to history has led to violence (mainly at rallies and universities) and harassment everywhere else. “But in the most recent attacks ‘no one is wearing Maga hats’, he added, referring to the Make America Great Again Hats worn by Trump supporters.” (Who’s behind recent rise in US anti-Semitic attacks?).

What is very unexpected about anti-Semeitism, is that it is frequently emanated from a group of people who believe in equality for all. Those who march for the rights of those who are suppressed. It’s essentially called “Intersectional Activism”, and its practice involves standing up for all minorities. Except for one, the evident Jewish People. This a sizable difference specifically because Jews are plausibly the smallest minority in the world, making up about only 2% of the population, yet somehow are the target of 57.5% of hate crimes motivated by religious bias. (CDE :: Hate Crime)

However the bigotry wasn’t always very two-dimensional. Back in 2019 and prior, most of the anti-Semitism Jews were mainly wary of was the cluster ensuing from the political Right. In that realm, anti-Semitism was mostly active and violent. Still, for the image of the redneck type middle aged male wearing an American flag and a MAGA hat individual, the reasons for Jew hatred often contradicted themselves. The Jewish people were accused of most wars, social issues, and especially economic issues. But mostly; scum. That is what Jews were to white supremacists: scum. Yet at the same time: privileged. Jews weren’t either “too powerful” or “too low”. In the eyes of a bigot, Jews were somehow both. And the world- including the political left, was complicit in that vacuous justification. 

In present day 2020 and 2021, “Experts say the recent attacks are being driven more from the political left than ever before. It comes as pro-Palestinian supporters blame American Jews for Israeli government policies.” (Who’s behind recent rise in US anti-Semitic attacks?)

As the quote avers, anti-Semsitism still exists under the mask of activism; the mask of anti-Zionism. Many Jews are subjugated to harassment, and recently violence for being affiliated with Israel, even if simply by ethnicity. While none of the reasons for the discrimination are simple, they emerge from the Political Left’s generalized views. One of the ways a modern activist would harass and assault a random Jew is through the absolute belief that because they are Jewish, they wholeheartedly agree with the actions and decisions of the Israeli military or administration. While 87% of Orthodox Jews are Zionists, it doesn’t conclude that all Zionists assent to the very discriminatory and unfair treatment Plalestinans undergo. 

A substantial part of modern day Anti-Semitism is diffucult to attack when any Jews are gaslighted about their own history of oppression. Jews are often told that they “play the victim” when in reality are really just the scapegoat of any worldly issue that has ever materialized. Back in the communist revolution in Russia in 1917, many Jews were blamed for the collapse and failure of Russia. This is often spoken about as “Judeo-Bolshevism”, and spreads the idea that Jews were the puppet masters behind the famous family, the Bolsheviks who led the revolution. The obvious anti-Semetic trope of Jews “controlling the world“ was utilized here. Not long after, after the first World War, Jews were scapegoated one again, this time for a corruption in Capitalism. In this example, Germany believed the rich and Jewish family, the Rothchilds, played a big role in the fall of Germany in the war. The stereotypes and conspiracy theories against Jews spiraled through propaganda, misinformation, and humiliation until the Holocaust was happening, and Jews no longer felt safe in a home that wasn’t theirs. Anti-Semitism is not a right-wing issue. It’s not a left-wing issue. It’s a problem in and of itself. It’s unique, in that no

matter where someone is on the ideological spectrum, they’re able to manipulate anti-Semitic tropes to make a point if they want to.Who’s behind recent rise in US anti-Semitic attacks?

By using criticism of Israel, many activists justify anti-Semitism. It is a unique form of hatred, in where it is ancient, yet also an easy scape-goat. Any anti-Israel word often contains a wish for the country to simply cease to exist. For all of its citizens to… do what exactly? Leave? 

In a professional political setting, the hatred truds forward. The United Nations continues to judge Israel with a double standard. Showed especially with the Human Rights council. In the UN, a country can get censured with Resolutions, which are formal expressions of opinions or will in UN Organs. Annually, Israel gets at least five resolutions while Syria receives only three. Iran and North Korea get two, and Saudi Arabia receives none. (How the UN discriminates against Israel) Countries which have publicly proven to deny human rights receive less executive criticism than a country involved in a labyrinthine conflict. 

A wise woman named Einat Wilf once spoke about the beguiling way in which Jews, specifically Zionists are kicked out from spaces. She compares Zionism to Feminism and how they have “similar trajectories”. Both principles sprung from a category of people fighting for equality, and directly due to that, experienced ridicule. With the attitudes today, an anti-Zionist might tell a Jew they are only acceptable or proper if they “know their place”, AKA stay silent and advocate against their own people.

This attitude is shared with how certain men would say they have no predicaments with women, solely “just with” feminists. To get deeper into that conviction, these supposed men proclaim they have no issue with women existing, they have an issue with women who speak up. Accordingly, they can deny it all they want but what he is is a misogynist. The same applies to anti-Zionsist who claim they have no dilemma’s regarding Jews on their own, as their reservations only arise when Jews begin to advocate for a homeland for their people. When we twist the lens on that perspective, the anti-Semitism become obvious. Is anti-Zionism necessarily anti-Semitism 

Anyone who advocates for the destruction of a country simply because of its government action’s, is not anyone that advocates for peace. It is and will always be anti-Semetic to have a problem with the mere existence of a country that has saved millions of a dying minority.